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Infrastructure at Telkin

At Telkin, we have state-of-the-art infrastructure and best-of-breed technology. You can be assured of total security and confidentiality as we have stringent security measures. For total security, utmost confidentiality and high-end technology outsource your services to Telkin.

Delivery Centers

At Telkin, we provide high-quality services at the fastest turnaround time. This has been made possible with the high-end technology and the best-of-breed infrastructure that we have at our delivery centers. We have delivery centers located globally as well as in India. All our Delivery Centers are stationed at advantageous locations and are easily accessible from Airports and Railway Stations.

Telkin's Global Delivery Centers

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • India
  • Philippines
  • UK
  • US

Best-of-breed Infrastructure

Our delivery centers have both operational and recreational space. We employ the best of systems and software for our employees. For some of our services, such as Financial Services, our employees work with dual monitors in order to minimize errors. The delivery centers have conference rooms, where our employees meet and brainstorm about new ideas and strategies. We also have well-equipped training halls, for inductions and to conduct on-going training for our teams. Telkin has dedicated System Administrator Teams who provide 24/7 support.

High-end Technology and Internet Connectivity

Primary Internet Connectivity from the US to India

  • Marine Fiber Optic Cable - Trans-Pacific
  • Marine Fiber Optic Cable - Trans-Atlantic

Secondary Internet Connectivity

  • Server routed to a failover satellite link

Advanced VPN Technology

  • Secured, robust, encrypted data transfer between the client and our center
  • Firewall and intrusion detection technology

Network and Security

We have security personnel manning our centers 24/7. All our employees use access cards to enter our premises. We also have access control devices and monitoring systems in place to restrict un-authorized entry into our centers. At Telkin, we ensure that our employees are adequately trained and completely aware of our customers' security requirements. All our employees are legally bound by our confidentiality agreements. Our operational systems ensure that data security is adequately addressed by technology-driven detections systems.

To ensure total security, we have ensured that our systems do not have external drives. This ensures that no data can be copied. We have also restricted our print permissions to prevent misuse. For utmost security, we maintain audit trails for all our system activities.s.

At Telkin, we check all our projects for security breaches at three levels. The three levels are People, Process and Technology. The three steps which we take to ensure security are Prevention, Detection and Quick Response. We believe that prevention is the best precaution and so we include all measures to ensure the prevention of a security breach. In the unlikely case of a security breach, we ensure quick detection. We are also quick to respond and provide a quick recovery and remedial action to the situation.

At Telkin, our processes are clearly defined. We make sure that information is shared only on a need-to-know basis and none other than the people directly involved in the project will have access to project specific information. Since our processes are clear and well-defined we can immediately detect and handle an information breach.

Some of our Network features include firewalls, secure VPN communications, virus prevention/ cure, spam filers, URL filtering etc.

security and audit matrix


Secure VPN and Network

  • Total secured CISCO VPN Tunnel to Client, which blocks all Peers to Peep in
  • Secured Cisco® Intelligent switches and Cisco® Network Assistant optimized for LAN
  • Cisco® PIX® Firewall to block all ports for HTTP, FTP, TCP/IP, UDP and even ICMP

Enterprise Access System for Employee Login

  • Secure Smart Card, Secure Premises Login
  • Network and Windows Login, PC 'locking'
  • Secure Remote Access (VPN)
  • Secure email with digital signatures
  • Single sign on to enterprise and desktop applications
  • Employees sign confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreements.

Work Station Security

  • Wide security management with administrative auditing, reporting, and monitoring facilities that secure data at every stage
  • No hardware resources are available on the network
  • Workstations are secured individually by Anti-Virus Protection and Back-Up Drive Manager

Network Security at Telkin

network security

100% Redundancy

At Telkin, our goal is to avail 100% redundancy. To achieve this we calculate redundancy factors while deploying resources. At the same time, we also run the mutually agreed capacity of the deployed work force. The following is our Business Continuity Plan

Internet Redundancy

  • Marine Optic Fiber Cable - Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific
  • Satellite Communication

Power Redundancy

  • Power Failover
  • UPS
  • Power Generators

Please contact us if you are interested in outsourcing to Telkin or would simply like to find out more information about Telkin. Our Customer Engagement Team will contact you within 24 hours.

Contact Telkin for your requirements.

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Some comments about outsourcing

‘If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you’re putting yourself out of business.” Lee Kuan Yew

"Outsourcing and globalization allows companies to reduce costs, benefits consumers with lower cost goods and services, causes economic expansion that reduces unemployment, and increases productivity and job creation." Larry Elder

"This is a very exciting time in the world of information. It's not just that the personal computer has come along as a great tool. The whole pace of business is moving faster. Globalization is forcing companies to do things in new ways." Bill Gates

"Accordingly, globalization is not only something that will concern and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking place in the present and to which we must first open our eyes." Ulrich Beck

"Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital - the world's best talents and greatest ideas." Jack Welch

“Globalization is not something we can hold off or turn off….. it is the economic equivalent of a force of nature, like wind or water.” Bill Clinton